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CrystalCommerce 2.0 - BUGS (PUBLIC)
Status Shipped
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 24, 2019

***[Facetofacegames]*** - [Can't Delete Shpping Methods] - [Global]

Contact Name: Justin Richardson

Contact Information:

Admin URL:

Description of Issue:
When you try to delete a shipping method on the Account > Shipping page in the admin, nothing happens.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go to Facetofacegames' shipping page:
2. Click on "Custom" under the "Pick-Up [Valid Photo I.D. Required] section to expand the shipping methods
3. Click "Destroy" under the On-Site Pick Up - F2F Calgary Open+ (November 10, 2018) shipping method and confirm.
4. Nothing happens

Desired Resolution: The shipping method goes bye-bye.

Additional Notes: When I had the console open in my browser, on the "Network" tab it showed a 404 status when I tried deleting the shipping method. I also replicated the issue in katelyntest.

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