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CrystalCommerce 2.0 - BUGS (PUBLIC)
Status Will not implement
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 24, 2019

[NON-FIREFIGHTING] ***Nearmintgames*** What happened to order 1522003?

**Client Name:**

**Client Contact Information:**

**Client Database URL:**

**Describe reported issue:**
Nearmintgames had an Amazon order that stayed in Awaiting Payment status. The order is 1522003. That order won't expand, and when you go to the direct URL for it, it says that it couldn't be found.

What is also odd is when you print the invoice for it, it shows a refund for over $120. The system only allows refunds to be issued that are equal to or less than the amount paid on the order. Amazon orders can only have store credit refunds issued, yet the customer account has none.

**Steps to Reproduce:**

1. Go to
2. Search for order 1522003
3. Click no the green arrow button
Result: it won't expand

4. click on the print icon next to the order
Result: the invoice shows a large refund that shouldn't be there.

5. Click on the order ID to open it on its own page.
Result: "Not Found"

6. Check the customer's account:
Result: there is no credit refund listed on the "Credit" tab.

**Describe desired results:**
Determine what happened to this order, and if that refund actually belongs to a different order/customer. We should also remove the refund if it is affecting their financial stats.

** Additional Information:**
The order is in "Shipped" status because nearmintgames marked it as shipped directly through Amazon, so at least that functioned correctly.
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