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CrystalCommerce 2.0 - BUGS (PUBLIC)
Status Shipped
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 24, 2019

[Non-Firefighting] ***global*** Buylist Emails Go to Paypal Email instead of Account Email

**Client Name:**
The Magic Card Trader

**Client Contact Information:**

**Client Database URL:**

**Describe reported issue:**
When a customer submits a buy order with a paypal

**Steps to Reproduce:**
1. Go to
2. log in to a customer account
3. add an item to your buylist cart and go to buylist checkout
4. choose paypal as the payment method
5. Enter an email address for the paypal payment that is different than the email of your customer account.
6. Complete checkout

**Provide a screenshot:**
attached. Screen shots show the order I placed and the mailgun log showing it going to a different email address.

**Describe desired results:**
Desired result is that the automated buylist emails go to the email address on the customer's account and not to their paypal email address.

**Additional Information:**
This causes customers to not see the buylist emails, which in turn prevents the stores from acquiring the cards.
  • Attach files