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CrystalCommerce 2.0 - BUGS (PUBLIC)
Status Shipped
Created by Paul Martin
Created on Jun 24, 2019

**[multiple clients]** - [Product search doesn't like apostrophes and other punctuation] - [global]

Contact Name:
Justin Cavenaugh, CapeFearGames

Contact Information:

Admin URL:

Description of Issue:
The product search on the site and POS doesn't seem to like apostrophes. When searching for a product like Yawgmoth's Will or Sentinel's Mark, those cards are not at the top of the search results like they should be.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go to
2. Search for either Yawgmoth's Will or Sentinel's Mark
3. For me, the top result when searching for Yawgmoth's Will was Last Will
The top result when searching for Sentinel's Mark was Mark of Asylum

Desired Resolution:
When searching for products that have an apostrophe in the name, those products should be at the top of the results.

Additional Notes:
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Operations Dept
    Jul 10, 2019

    Note that this also affects dashes, which makes finding Yugioh cards difficult. Each yugioh card has a unique card number, which is always the four letter set code followed by a dash and the number. Searching for LODT-EN027 in the POS should find Dark Valkyria from the Light of Destruction category, but instead it finds a bunch of other cards from that category that also have card numbers beginning in "LODT"