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CrystalCommerce 2.0 - BUGS (PUBLIC)
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 24, 2019

**[Wildthingsgames]** - [Desync certain eBay categories] - [non global]

**Contact Name:** Patrick Erickson

**Contact Information:**

**Admin URL:**

**Description of Issue:** They need to have their singles categories de-synced from eBay. They tried to desync them themselves, but some cards are still relisting automatically when they put them in stock. At the moment, they only want sealed product listing to eBay.

Would we be able to desync from eBay all products in the following product types?

Magic Singles

Yu-gi-oh! Singles

Pokemon Singles

Star Wars Destiny Singles

Final Fantasy TCG Singles

Dice Masters

**Steps to Reproduce: ** n/a

Desired Resolution:
For all products in just the listed product types to be desynced from eBay, so that when they add qty to any of those items, they don't relist automatically.

Additional Notes:
  • Attach files